Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Photo Assignment #1, Tuerk

 Martha Klein, a volunteer at the Smithsonian Institute for Natural History, gestures with a plastic model of a tarantula to local elementary school students on February 4, 2020. Students from several schools wander in and out of the live tarantula feeding presentation.

An elementary school student raises his hand to ask a question during a live tarantula feeding exhibit at the Smithsonian Institute for Natural History on February 4, 2020. Smithsonian volunteer Martha Klein says feedings occur every hour on weekdays from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. with different spiders.

Smithsonian volunteer Martha Klein displays preserved tarantula exoskeletons to local elementary school students at the Smithsonian Institute for Natural History on February 4, 2020. Klein says that tarantulas molt about once a year. 

Smithsonian volunteer Martha Klein answers a local elementary school student's question during a live tarantula feeding exhibit at the Smithsonian Institute of Natural History on February 4, 2020. Klein says she has been a volunteer at the institute since 2003.

Rosie, a mature Chilean Rose Hair tarantula, wanders her terrarium at the Smithsonian Institute for Natural History on February 4, 2020. She is fed dried crickets once a week as part of her diet. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, these photos are fantastic! This guy is the real deal.
