Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Week 3 - Noah Bland


Wide Shot - People are directed towards the items for sale with interest, you can tell this but not there expression but their body language  and the corroding shadows.  

Wide Shot - The integration of the person reading at the table along with the tents goes to show how the market is not just that, it is also a peaceful place with an environment welcoming enough that you could study right in the middle of it   

Medium -  This shot showed the vast amount of flavors while also highlighted the fudge's curves and slices  

Medium Shot of assorted wines,  lined up and color coordinated resulting in an astatically pleasing contrast of darkness on the visibly bright and sunny day  

Detailed-  My Objective was to capture every crease and crevasse of the fudge along with the shavings  sprinkled on top of the appealing, swirly texture and look. 


Detailed - The one yellow pepper seems to stick out like a sore thumb, Its the subject in this photo not just because its on top, mainly because of the heavy yellow saturation unseen by any other pepper. 

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