Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Hossain: Photo Assignment #3


Medium: Baker and Owner of RavenHook Bakehouse Chris Girardot sells baked 
goods at the Farmers Market today around noon. 

  Overall: Individuals waiting to buy baked goods at RavenHook Bakehouse on a cloudy day. 

Detail: Qualia Coffee is stirred while sugar trickles down the individual's hand.

Medium: Qualia Coffee vendor makes coffee for Farmer's Market attendees. 

Detail: University of Maryland student holding an apple from McCleaf's Orchard booth. 

Medium: Owner of The PoshMallow Nava Pickman gives out marshmallow samples to market attendees.

Detail: Cove Point Winery's wine bottles out on display.  

Overall: UMD students and staff walking around at the Farmer's Market in the Tawes Hall courtyard. 

Detail: One crate of green grapes amongst several purple grapes at McCleaf's Orchard stand.  

Detail: A variety of vegetables scattered on the table of McCleaf's Orchard stand. 

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